
Finally the weather is giving us days above freezing, and this always inspires me to get out and walk. Walking outside, in Nature’s Gym, is always so much easier than doing it on “the dreadmill”! For whatever reason I find it boring to just watch TV, being outside is so much more entertaining.

Honestly, this winter has not been great for my healthy goals. Too many treats over the holidays, not enough working out. Yes, I had my African Dance class once a week, which was awesome. And yes, we got a Kinect for Christmas that has been a lot of fun and somewhat of a workout, but over all, I have not done the things I know I need to do. The 10 pound weight gain proves it too!

So, time to restart my goals and make sure that I walk a half hour everyday no matter what the weather. Like the proverb says:

Fall seven times, get up eight!

Cupcake Marathon!

When I first read about the Cupcake Marathon, my first thought was about eating cupcakes! Who wouldn’t want to do that? In fact, we just ate some lovely cupcakes for our Mardi Gras celebration (it was really just a good excuse to eat cupcakes, as we don’t actually celebrate Mardi Gras).

Anyway, I am excited to take part in the Cupcake Marathon. I’m going to go for the half, and I am very happy that we don’t have to do the entire thing all at once. That’s right, we can log our time and distance over the course of 2 weeks!

Today, I stubbed my pinky toe. HARD! In fact, it was so bad that it started to swell, and I ended up missing my African dance class. I think the reason it hurt so much was because I basically hit right between the two toes, and it was such a hard hit. Also, because I have had surgery on my feet in the past, and have screws in the bone on that very toe, it just all combined to cause it to be more painful than a usual stubbed toe. I’m pretty sure everything will be fine though, and I will be able to participate in the Cupcake Marathon!

Are any of you taking part in this virtual race?!

Pedometer Lessons

Do you use a pedometer?

I recently started using one (kind of a fancy one actually, it’s called a FitBit), and oh the things I have learned! For example, I sit around too much on most days. Yes, I do my work from the computer, but in all reality a lot of that computer time is just messing around on silly sites (laughing is important too, but too much sitting is so bad for health)! It’s really eye opening to see how many steps I get. For example, here is a good day of tracking, though there was still some time left in this day, unless I put in a second workout, there wasn’t much chance of reaching 10,000 steps.

I have to say it’s not horrible, but this particular day was one where I was running errands (grocery shopping), and doing laundry. All of these things help a lot in getting extra steps.

Biggest lesson that I have learned through tracking steps is this: efficiency is not great for your health! What?! That’s right, when you are really efficient you take less steps. Case in point, the laundry… I used to be so good at putting all the empty hangers in the basket with the dirty clothes before taking it all down to the laundry room. One trip! Saves time! Oh yeah, it also means less walking up and down the stairs… oops! That just cuts out valuable steps on the pedometer! 🙂

So, in response to my pedometer I have been trying to make more trips around the house. Certainly I have been trying to at least stand up more than I sit, even if I am not actually walking at the time, it’s still better than sitting.

What about you? Have you used a pedometer? What lessons did you learn?